Welcome to my blog!  I am a wife, mother, and a photographer who is daily striving to be my best self. My love for my family, traveling, and finding the beauty in the uncommonly beautiful is what drives me and my creative soul. I am often found immersed in home decor, learning about healthy living, and dreaming up adventures for my family. I hope you will visit here often to learn more about me, my photography, and everything in life that inspires me.


Why the Bee?

Sweet Bee Studios… it’s got a cute ring to it I think.

You are probably asking where I came up with this and why I didn’t just use my name. I have answers to all your questions. 


On the footsteps of creating this new vision for my photography business I knew that it needed a fresh new name. At first I toyed around with Ali May Photography and the more I said it, the more it just felt like it was only about me. And yes, while I may be the girl behind the camera, I didn’t want this business to just be about me. My heart is for people, my clients (some who are now friends and even like family), and our community. I wanted it to be more than just taking pictures, but an opportunity for experiences and memories to be birthed and connections to be created. I wanted more.


I have been drawn to the honeybee for several years and haven't thought much of it. I decided to research and see for giggles where it would lead me. I read all about the honeybee and how it symbolizes community, brightness, and good fortune. The bee is also symbolic of hardwork, cooperation, and teamwork. Since the honey bee will protect its home at the risk of its own life, it represents loyalty and courage. Not to mention the bee uses its talents to help humanity and make personal contributions to change the world for the better. Yes! I love it. This was it.  Learning all of this as I researched, I was certain the bee was exactly the symbol of this new direction I wanted and needed. A cute little bee to bring us together and to pass down stories and photographs for generations to come. 


And just like that, I knew we needed a little sweet community to create memories and connect us together, so Sweet Bee Studios was created and I absolutely love it. Every time I hear it said, it makes me so happy because it’s about more than just me, it’s about all of us. it's about our families and our friends coming together to live life, to create, and to capture it all so we can remember and retell it to those we get to share life with. I can’t wait to see what the future holds, the moments that will be shared and the sweet memories that will all be made.



Welcome to Sweet Bee Studios

Hi! If you don't know me, my name is Ali and I am the girl behind the camera at Sweet Bee Studios. I also for many years was the owner and operator of Ali Shryock Photography. Life is constantly changing. When the big life changes happen they cause us to look within ourselves and evaluate what we are doing and where we are going. This past November I retired my single mama hat and put on the blended family hat when I was blessed to marry an amazing man. We have adjusted into married life and blended family life well and I couldn't be more happy.  As I let this new major moment in my life settle I realized that I wanted more for my business. While I am super thankful for the many years of joy and fun it gave me, there was a lot that was missing. I wanted the business to be a service that more exemplified my heart and who I was. I wanted to give my clients more. So if my personal life was changing, why not change my business too? I believe strongly that we should all be striving everyday to be the best version of ourselves and with that belief, I wanted more and better. This is where the dream of Sweet Bee Studios began and why you are joining me here today. I'm excited to reveal more about this new little business in the weeks ahead. But for now, I hope that you will follow along in support, love and with a little bit of grace as all the loose ends continued to be tied. 


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January February March April May June July August September October November December
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January February March April May June July August September October November December